Thursday, July 26, 2012

Even though they were a few days ago now, I still think I should write about the gigs we played last weekend; admittedly this is partly because I've been at my girlfriends house in Clare since Monday, and therefore I haven't got a lot of other musical news to tell you about, (that is, unless singing 'Penny Lane' in the shower counts,) but it's also because both gigs were kind of unusual and it would seem a shame not to spare them a few words.

Ennis was the setting of the first gig; we were playing upstairs in a pub called Brandon's, which had a bit of a 'Fred Zeppelins feel to it.
It was one of those places with a lot rooms, and upstairs the floors were all covered by felt like red carpets, while behind the bar was a Murial featuring a 100 or so different musical figures of whom i recognised about 4, John, Paul, George and Ringo, which shows you how much i know. 
By the time we got on to the stage in there were only about 10 people in the audience, but they were a very kind hearted collective, listening attentively to the whole of our 10 song set, (one song for each of them,) despite the the fact we didn't finish playing till gone 2 in the morning. We had one of two songs to finish with, either 'It's a Wonderful World', (not the famous version of the song, but one written by perry,) or Bitterness, and we went for bitterness in the end on the count of it being cheerier?   

The party we played at the next day, was at this amazing place in west cork, which was a farm supposedly, although it seemed more like great sprawling garden, riddled with mysterious pathways, that ran between high hedges and imposing plants. A Cheshire cat marked the entrance gate, and the whole party was Alice in Wonderland themed, much to my delight. I'm fairly sure one or two of guests hadn't red the book though, that is unless I'm forgetting the bit about the pirate....... or the panda?
Our set meandered on for rather longer than it usually does, and included some numbers rarely seen outside our electric gigs. The most enjoyable of these, was a version of 'In the Beginning There Was Funk' including a beat-box drum backing from the Calvinists, as well as other musical members of the audience.
The mad hatter handed around his hat after the gig, which was very kind of him, and the guests obligingly filled it with change, which was sweet -as a sugar lump- of them. Regretfully W!LD were unable to hang around for tea however, as Perry had yet another gig to play that evening, the poor thing.

Hopefully we may get some live recordings from that second gig, as I think they were recording most of it. I'll post some up if we do.

Bye for now.

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