Thursday, August 16, 2012

The other day, via Email , an exciting thing happened: we were sent a version of 'First Failed Escape' that had been mastered by a professional music engineer.
I can't remember the guys name now, (silly me,) but he's started working in Metaphorm studios, where we were recording the song last year.

Anyway once we'd got it off the computer, we eagerly had a listen to song: the mix was wonderfully clean, the vocals sounded great, as did the instruments.
All good news then?
Unfortunately not: listen closely, particularly to the choruses, (I've posted a link to the recording below,) and you'll notice the lead vocal has been auto tuned a little too much, so that it now hits a couple of strange wrong notes.
Even more noticeably, (if you know the song that is,) is that the high backing vocal on the choruses, has been ever so slightly moved, so that it now comes in earlier, and more weirdly, then it used to.
Hopefully though those will be easy enough things to remedy, and then we'll be one step closer to that W!LD EP.

All the best, 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I saw a couple of gigs last week, and as always had that pleasing little feeling of jealousy, from wanting to be up there playing myself; a regular reminder of one of the reasons I want be a full time musician.
The blue Jays were playing in Kinsale, and gave me another opportunity to watch Brendan Fennessy playing the drums, which is always a pleasure,* then on Saturday I watched Karma Parking, who were the entertainment at Tom and Ben Duffy’s birthday party in Co. Meath.
I loved the way their songs got everyone moving with there infectious grooves, W!LD need more groves I fancy.
After the Karma Parking gig the PA and a few instruments got left out, (in a marquee set up for the event,) and at about 5am a few people unknown, picked them up and had a drunken jam.
Maybe it was because it was the middle of the night, (everything can seem a little distorted if you’ve just woken up,) but I’d swear I’ve never heard music so loud as it seemed to me then, curled up in my little tent about 100 yards away, it was like being in the middle of a rave!

The next day, very tired from that camping experience, I sat through the entire three hours of the giant rock concert that was posing as the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games.
 I don’t know if you saw the ceremony? It was much less risqué then the opening one, but worth watching, even if only for the incredibly touching rendition of Imagine by john Lennon, (accompanied by a film re-mastered by Yoko Ono.)
The Who were quite good fun as well.


*Brendan plays drums in O Emperor, (and some other bands,) and as well as being bloody good, is also great fun to watch, as he always looks like he's really in the moment and enjoying himself... And no I'm not his manager, just a fan.  

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

One thing I really dislike about the modern music industry is the decline of CDs, and that everything is going digital.
This is mostly because I’m worried no one will be bothered about album artwork anymore, (I’m sure there’s already less emphasis on that than there used to be,) which would be a terrible shame, but also because I’m a bit of a hoarder, and I love having the physical copy of something, weather it be a CD, a DVD, a book, or even a video game.
Having said that however, I must admit a tad guiltily, that I haven’t actually bought a CD for about a year, so it’ll be with a little desperation as well as excitement, that I go buy the new Bloc Party album later this month, shortly followed by Muse’s latest offering in September.
I even pine for old records sometimes, which makes me feel very old fashioned, but the art work just looks 'so' fantastic on them, all grand and highly detailed. 
I sometimes say to myself  ‘wouldn’t it be great if CDs could still have album cover that size’ and then I  rack my brains for a bit trying to think of a way this could happen, (maybe something like a poster you get free with an album,) but as yet I’ve never thought of anything sensible. 
I very rarely do.

One day maybe;)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Hello there, welcome to another W!LD blog!

Here's what we've been up to since I last wrote, (though I'm not including Thursday and Friday because A: for your sake, I don't want this post will go on all night, and B: aside from a practice gig in front of extended family, which quite amusing, music wise those days were a little dull.)  

On Saturday we played two acoustic gigs on Sherkin Island, which was a nice adventure, and certainly the first time we've ever had to go put our equipment on a ferry, to get to a gig.
I haven't been to the island for years, so it was cool to have such an excellent excuse to visit. 

The event we were playing at was a little Sherkin Island festival, complete with campers, portaloos, a dash of rain, and plenty of plastic beer glasses.
We were only actually billed to play once, but because the festival drum kit was a little late arriving,* and because W!LD had been the ones to nobly open the festival, in front of an kindly, but not numerous audience, the organisers bravely slotted us in for a second performance later on.
Also were just Greedy!

I'd say the most interesting part of our performance, was probably when perry took everyone inside the jolly roger, (the festival Marquee was attached to the Jolly Roger pup,) and played 'Annie' on an acoustic piano, standing up and dancing about for extra impact.
By the way in case you're wondering why, as a reader of the official W!LD blog, you haven't heard mention of this gig before now, it's because it was supposed to be a secret... Might even still be a secret actually, shhhhhhhhh.

Our aunt and cousins have been staying with us for the first time in ages, so on Sunday, in celebration, we broke off from the music for a bit, and had a tea party instead.
Monday we were back at it again though, as we had Aron, ( I don't know his second name,) over to play some guitar solo's and have a little jam, then yesterday, I spent a bit of time trying to finish a few pesky little songs that have been bugging me for ages, and also playing yet more 'In the Beginning There Was Funk'.
Perry's Been away palying Drums in Inishshannon.

And that's just about it for now.
Back soon,


*I heard from the snare drum, who had been driving, that the kit had been stuck behind a particularly long line of tambourines, on the way to belly dancing convention.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

OMG we have a new kitten, and she's so sweet!!
She, (we think she’s a she anyway), is at our house because she jumped into mum and dads car when they were shopping in Bandon, then refused to get out again, and as she was looking a little skinny and uncared for they decided to take her home. . .
That sounds like a bit suspicious if you ask me, more likely they just wanted a kitten an answered some advert in the local gazette. Either way though she's living with us now, chasing everything in sight, and peeing in the bath.
Expect lot’s of feline related songs to be making their way into the W!LD set very soon!  

Damn I must remember that this Blog is supposed to be about Music not kittens! 
Or sport, that's another tempting one, I think I've just about managed to keep inner sportsman away from these pages so far, but it's been touch and go at times.   

So yeah something about music:
last week, everything bar the weather, was very distracting an summery, but we're back on track now and, It looks like we’re finally going to do a bit more recording later this month, which is great news.
In preparation, my daily routine now includes lots of extra bass playing, particularly the part from ‘In the Beginning There Was Funk’, which I like to practice until my hands start to cramp up, or become exhausted… Unfortunately this usually happens after about two or three repetitions of the song, so it's a bit hard to practice at the moment, I'll get better though.

I must dash because I have a kitten to play wit..... I mean bass line to practice!!

Back soon,